Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 42

Headed into Hanover one of the best trail towns in the whole at. A few years back they were voted the least friendly trail town and have been trying really hard to fix that rep. From what I saw they succeeded. Lots of places to stay, free bus service to the next town where an outfitter is, free food, a brochure explaining the town services,and everyone was very nice. This seems to be paying off for them cause almost every hiker I talked to planned a zero in Hanover. Which is going to have them spending some $. I was meeting up with spaceman again. He had completed his section hike and was going to host me for the night. While I was wandering around town I ran into another pair of sobos that I had been following, Smiles and Dave the Pirate. I had wanted to catch Dave for a while, in Maine he had written "arrgh walk the plank" on a piece of birch and posted it on a bog bridge. Later in the day the sobos from lincoln also showed up so there were more sobos than I had seen at once since Monson.
On a side note Hanover had Man of Steel in it's movie theater so I finally got to see it.

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