Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cuba to San Pedro peak

I took my time getting out of town. I wanted to do 20 miles but was behind on my blog and some town chores. I finally headed out around 10. First up was an 8 mile road walk.

Around lunch time Nightcrawler caught up to me and we had lunch in a field with a pair of horses. Nightcrawler made friends with the horses.

When I finished the road walk I ended up with a few hot spots from the new shoes. It was unfortunate cause I don't remember getting them from the shoes last time I wore them. They slowed me down a bunch. I was also slowed down by the water. It was very Maine ish with water flowing down the trail and a bog on the top of the hill making everything cold and wet. I kept hiking until it started to snow on me. I had a difficult time finding a dry spot to camp but eventually found one near the top of the mountain.

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