Saturday, April 25, 2015

Doc Campbells

Shin splints were bad this morning. Decided to take a few days of up here. I thought about hitching back into silver city, but then I'd spend 200$ to sit around in a hotel room by myself. Instead I'm up here in by the river worth hot springs and a river to alternate cold hot and speed my healing. If it's still bad after the weekend I'll head to town and get it checked out.

1 comment:

  1. "I have a lot of pain in my shins, each time I engage in a physical activity such as running, it feels like knives are running through my shins. What is wrong with the shins (muscle, bone or tissue?) when you have shin splints?" A lot of people asked me this question for almost 10 years. I started a blog for that people, I helped them to defeat forever their shin pain. It's only a matter of knowledge: if you know what is the primary cause, it is easier to know what is wrong with your shins. If you want to find out how your shin splints actually cause so many problems in the foot and ankle stay tuned to my blog (
