So I had to head off trail to goto the nearest hospital to get my next rabies shot. The thing that is bothering me is the only spot I can get a shot from is an ER. I've tried calling the local doctors, urgent care, health department, and even the outpatient ward of the hospital but none of them are able to give me the shot. The 2nd shot I got in berea was through their outpatient ward and took all of 45 min to do. Most of that time was watching me to make sure there was no negative reaction. Additionally the ER visits have a 300 copay vs 50 or 20 for everything else. So frustrating.
Anyway I headed up to the town of Owensboro so I could visit their ER tomorrow for my booster. The first half the day was on the route and was peaceful. The 2nd half was not. After I made it to town I had a quick pit stop at a LBS to get my chain cleaned and tires inflated and pick up a tire pressure gauge. My rear tire was at 45 psi when it should be at 70. After talking with them my plan to stay at the cheap hotel was changed and I'm stayingin a 120 Marriott so as to not get shot or robbed.
could be worse.. e.g. rattlesnake bite..