Going into Kentucky I had heard about how bad the dogs were. I thought it was an exaggeration by people afraid of dogs. Until 5 miles from Berea I had only encountered one bad dog. There were a few loose packs that would have probably been bad if Biff hadn't been through spraying the big aggressive ones with his bear spray already.
The way I put myself in a position to be bit is a long series of events over the day. First is Alex's fear of dogs. To help him out I've been distracting the dogs while he rides by. This has worked well except one or two cases. In one of the cases that it didn't work a stupid chiwowah type dog just wouldn't leave us alone. It's entire family was outside yelling at it to no avail. Since we were on the far side of the road from the dogs house it was in the middle of the road. Eventually a car comes and almost runs over the chiwowah right in front of the 10 year old girl. So after that I've been distracting the dogs by crossing the street and waiting for Alex to pass.
At the end of the day with only 5 miles left of the 68 we were riding I got bit. It was the same situation I'd seen all day. A stupid dog sees us and runs straight at us about to cross a busy road. I do what I've usually done and cross the street toward it. At this point 3 more dogs come sprinting out from behind the house, a mom and 2 puppy pit bulls, and another old one slowly wanders over. I am now stopped on the side of the road with 5 dogs barking at me. I'm not worried since they aren't strays.
Unfortunately there were some puppies. One of the puppies comes over and bites my left leg. Not really a bite just a little nip but it was enough to draw blood and surprised me enough that I drew my leg back in instinct. Without my leg to support me I fall over. I'm now on the ground surrounded by 5 snarling dogs with a bike lying on my leg. I'm hindsite it was a very dangerous situation but at the time all I was thing was "that stupid dog bit me. I'm going to beat the living shit out of it."
I launch myself out from under the bike scraping my left knee up on the asphalt and punch the dog that started everything hard with my right fist. I ended up cutting up my hand through my bike gloves on the dogs teeth but that one stopped barking and backed off. I then chase the little bitch that bit me and kick her with a full swing. She dodged a bit but I still hit her hard. I chase her for a few more steps when I notice the other puppy sneaking around behind me so I try kicking it but miss. The dogs are now keeping their distance so I start looking for weapons to hit or throw at them. There is a foot long 2x4 lying on the ground and some rocks.
At this point the trailer trash owner's adult daughter finally comes out and Alex charges in and maces the old dog. There is only the 2nd puppy and mother that are still being aggressive and ignoring the owner. So normally I don't bad mouth people but when the first words out of your mouth after being told your dog bit someone is "I ain't got no money" not "are you ok" or "where'd it bite you" or "should I call an ambulance" it's hard not to consider you anything but piece of a trailer trash.
I call the cops and get a report filed. Get checked out by an ems who thinks going to an urgent care in the morning will be fine. Then get back on the bike and ride 5 more miles to town. After getting some advice from a doctor friend and my vet sister I decide to goto the ER to get checked out. When there we decide to start the rabies vaccine since the puppy was too young to be vaccinated yet and was running around loose. That means I need to get booster shots on the 3rd, 7th, and 14th day. That's going to be fun to deal with since the only place that has the vaccine is ERs. Goodbye all my extra money.
At this point its 330 am and I have to walk a mile and a half back to the hotel. Needless to say tomorrow is going to be a zero. If I stay in town for a 2nd zero I'll be able to get my 2nd shot from the hospital's outpatient center instead of the ER and save a bit of money there.
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