Yeah back on the trail again. Had to take care of some bills and what not since I wasn't site when I'd have signal again. That made me late getting out of town so I didn't get moving until noon. On the bright side this meant I was still in town when Alota Gelota, the towns' signature ice cream shop was open. It was really delecious. On the way out I stopped off at Diane's bakery and picked up a sandwich. It was OK. They put too much mustard in it so I couldn't taste the good stuff. But they also had some home made energy bars. Basically peanut butter chocolate oatmeal and nuts. So gooey homemade goodness.
The first bit of the hike was lame. I chose to take a 7 mile roadwalk instead of following the CDT out of town. I am doing the Gila River alternate for this section instead of the CDT. The CDT does 200+ miles over the black mountain range. It is dry. Like seriously dry. Like 80 miles between water sources dry. The Gila route crosses the river 100+ times. Enough said. Anyway since I'm not following the CDT here I don't feel bad about cheating. About 4 miles into the roadwalk a random local offered me a ride. I'm not one to turn down rides on stupid road walks. I didn't and wasn't trying to get a ride but I can't turn down trail magic.
Once I got dropped off the first 7 miles or so was on jeep track. They really should rename this the Continental Divide Jeep Track Trail. Anyway at the end of the Jeep track was an awesome valley with, get this, your never going to guess, a Real Continuous Flowing Creek! That's right real natural water. No cow ponds, no water caches, no pools of stale water, this was the real deal. I hadn't seen any since my second day and that was so sporadic that it was hard to call it a creek. After drinking a couple liters I looked at the map and saw a greener grass. Cause as good as fresh mountain stream water is, fresh mountain spring water wins every time and it was only 3 miles down trail. Oh. Yeah. That's right there was a real trail again too. Unfortunately it was late and I didn't quite make it, there was a sweet camp spot which I decided to call it quits at. The fresh spring water will have to wait for morning.
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