Friday, April 10, 2015


Made it into Albuquerque yesterday after a crazy morning. Finished packing up the house and running errands. A little later than I planned but still managed to get to the airport with 30 minutes to spare. With the plane being delayed 30 minutes that turned into having an hour to spare.

Upon arriving in Albuquerque I headed over to my AT friend Nectar's house. She was kind enough to host me for the night and I managed to talk her into heading down to the kickoff with me. Which meant I had an extra day to run around albuquerque.

For my free day I had wanted to ride the tram up mount sandia bit it was shut down for annual maintenance. I had to drive up the mountain instead. I wanted you do a little 3 mile hike up top along the rim of the mountain but the altitude was too much. Going from sea level to 10500 ft was causing me to have a really high heart rate even with the relativity easy hike and I stayed to get foggy vision after about a half mile so I turned back there. I dots get some pretty good pictures though. I then dropped down to 7k ft and did a nice easy 7 mile hike after which I felt more tired than the 10+ mile hikes I had been doing in Maryland. I'm going to blame it on altitude and not the fact that I haven't done any exercise or hiking in the 2.5 weeks leading up to this trip.

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