Short 3 mile hike along the kern to Kennedy medows. It was a great morning. Amazing how much happier I was hiking when I had easy access to water, the area wasn't a desolate burned desert, and there was a town at the end.
Kennedy medows was fantastic. There were about 20 hikers there chilling on the porch if the store waiting for them to open up and start making breakfast. I'm not sure if it's a PCT tradition or if it's just the class of 2014, but whenever a hiker makes it to one of these big milestones where other hikers are gathered the ones there welcome the new comers with a round of applause. It's great. There was some nice camp spots in the first behind the store where I stashed my stuff then I spent the rest of the day hanging out on the porch of the store catching up with the other hikers.
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