I had a nice easy 8 miles from ziggy and the bears to a state park where I planned on hanging out at until dark. It was one of the hottest days yet and there was no shade to speak of before or after the park. Except for a small hill the terrain was mostly flat so the hiking was easy and I made it to the park well before noon. The park was an old trour hatchery that had been shut down when the river got diverted. It was really nice. Like an oasis in the desert. Lots of shade and water and it didn't feel anywhere near as hot as the 95+ temperature.
I stayed at the park until 630 then started my first full moon night hike of the trip. It wasn't dark for 3 hours after I set out and the moon was hidden behind valley walls half the time. The rest of the time it was amazing. The moon was so bright I had to turn on my headlamp to see the trail because my shadow from the moon was making it hard to see the trail. But my phone still wouldn't take anything resembling a decent picture with just the moon as a light source. I need to fiddle with the settings more so I can get pictures next time. After hiking 8 miles I reached a stream where Fed-X and Mountain Goat were camping. According to the guide book there would be over 20 crossings of the stream in the next 5 miles. I decided that between the crossings and the fact that I'd mostly be in a valley that I'd end my night hike here.
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