Long, hot, dry day. There was only two shady spots until noon, the windmills and the little oak tree by the stream I stopped at for lunch. The stream wasn't even cool, the water in it must have been 80. Still it was water and therefore amazing since it was the only water in that 40 miles stretch.
The afternoon was a bit better since we climbed back up into mountains. Even if it was still dry at least we had shade. On my way up the mountain I took a break under a shade tree and put my hiking shirt on one of the pct indicator signs to dry. Bad idea. Those signs are made of fiberglass and my shirt got covered in it. I didn't notice until I put my shirt and pack on. At which point all the fiberglass particles started to dig into my back. Not pleasant at all.
I was planning on hiking to the road to Tehachapi but I stayed at the creek later than planned since it was so hot. So at nightfall I reached another windmill farm and thought it might be nice to sleep with the white noise of the windmill in the background. So I camped there.