My plan had us doing a very short day today, just 7.8 miles and camping on top of the Priest. After freezing yesterday at just 2000 ft elevation and tonight was supposed to be colder that plan quickly got trashed. We quickly and easily did the 3000 ft climb up the 4000 ft mountain only stopping twice, once for water and once for a really nice view.
{Insert pretty view from Priest here}
Neither time were my legs feeling the least bit tired... hurray for switchbacks. When we got to the priest shelter we stopped off to enter the shelter log. The priest shelter log is full of people writing "confessions". Its really funny since all the confessions are true but harmless. For mine I did "I confess that I had planned to do a short day and stay at this shelter but got scared away by the cold." and I also added "I confess I littered in the 100 mile wilderness when my trashbag got a hole in it and things fell out before I noticed." On our way to the next shelter we passed an amazing 360 view at a place called spy rock. The first 360 view I'd seen since I don't know when.
{Insert 360 view video or photos here}
While there I ran into the owner of the ultralight tent company Yama who were up there doing photo shoots. All their tents are made out of cuben fiber and weight between 1 and 2 pounds. On our way down to the next shelter I passed an apple tree and picked a pair of apples for a genious idea I had. At the shelter I implemented the idea. There were 4 weekenders from University of Virginia law school who had built a fire. I diced up the apples into little bits and boiled them. Then used the boiled water and apples and mixed it with 2 packets of apple cider. It was amazing, unfortunatly the apples added nothing to the flavor but it was still a genious plan in my opinion. RJ came up with an even better idea of putting spam on a stick and cooking it over a fire. Why didn't we think of this sooner! We also put some apples on the stick and they were much better roasted than boiled.
Weather Warning, Oct 3. Hurricane Karen heading your way. Expect severe weather Sun, worst Monday, Tuesday. Stay in Hotel away from streams etc recommended.