Day 13: The day started out with us discussing the possibility of getting Lost�s legless
buddy out for the 37 miles of trail to the next town. There was a guy in our hostel who
said that this was by far the easiest stretch of the trail in Maine. After discussing it and
recruiting about 8 people for help play shirpa for him Lost decided his buddy just wasn�t
in good enough shape to make it. Once that decision was made I decided to leave
Monson and push on while Lost, Fireball, and Firefox took a 0. Before I left town the
hostel owner took me and a few other guys down to the next town to resupply. I picked
up a pack cover which I had left at dad�s, 2 sil nylon bags, one for food and one for my
�clean� cloths, and a new hiking stick. I didn�t get back on the trail until 3pm. Even still I
was able to cover the 10 miles to the next shelter in 3.5 hours cause it was by far the
easiest section of trail yet. There were almost no roots, rocks, mud and only a simple
�stream� crossing or 2. I caught up with Wallaby and Brightsides at the shelter. They
were talking about doing some serious hiking over the next 5 days, (22, 18, 17, 15, 20, 5)
so that they could skip the next town for resupply. I told them that I�d try to keep up with
them since I had enough food to make it. Later that evening a NOBO came in that did the
22 and said other then the 2 mountains it was easy enough. Right before dark 2 more
NOBO�s came in saying they had done 30 miles that day. They hardly looked tired at all.
One of the NOBO�s had gear very similar to me so I asked him for some advice on gear.
He suggested I use the top pocket for snacks instead of the front pocket since I could then
reach and eat without stopping.
Positive Thought of the day: It didn�t RAIN!!!
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