Thanks to Frodo we were able to make it out of town at a decent time. I managed to mail my snow gear home since we heard that snow was no longer an issue. I'm glad I had it but I can't say I'm sorry it's gone. I'm now 2 pounds lighter and won't be getting scratched up by the ice axe anymore.
The hike up was difficult for me. I had the worst coughing fit yet on the trail getting back up on the divide. I forgot to take my allergy pills and had to use the inhaler to stop the coughing. Still it's better than the PCT because I have the pills and inhaler for just such occasions. I'd prefer not to use the inhaler but I'm not bailing on this trail like the PCT for the cough.
The hike was as amazing as ever hiking along these beautiful mountain peaks and valleys. We ended up camping at a water source which is getting rare again because we are up on the divide. It's not like the desert but we are doing 10+ mile carries again instead of the 2ish miles between sources we have experienced up here till now.